
How to Survive the Summer Slow Down on eBay!

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If you’re trying to run an eBay business or just making a little money on the side, summer time on eBay can be the hardest time to make money with online auctions. Just completed this 2 hour seminar gives you a step-by-step guide on how to make a ton of money during the slow months at eBay.

You will learn killer eBay strategies that not only will help you survive but thrive with your online auctions. Just a few things you will learn.

1. How to change your listing to make more sales in the summer.

2. What gets over looked by many selling on eBay.

3. The Best products to sell in the summer, you'd be surprised.

4. 3 steps to skyrocket your summer auction success.

5. Turn your buyers into customers for life.

6. Discover 4 simple tricks that double your sales in the summer!

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